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主题: 中非携手迈向没有艾滋病的未来


? 注意到儿童是社会中最脆弱的群体,他们在艾滋病应对中常常被落在后面;

? 注意到为了实现没有艾滋病的未来,需要实施综合的艾滋病防治项目,包括预防少女和妇女感染艾滋病的策略,为女性艾滋病感染者提供生殖健康服务;预防儿童在妇女怀孕、产前和生产过程中感染艾滋病;通过安全喂养降低艾滋病传播;以及为妇女、新生儿及其家庭提供关怀、支持和治疗服务;

? 认识到在非洲很多贫困国家,新生儿艾滋病诊断率在母乳喂养早期和母乳喂养结束后都仍然很低,扩大儿童艾滋病治疗困难重重;

? 认识到在全球范围内,艾滋病儿童接受治疗的比例比成人低三分之一;

? 注意到为降低艾滋病母婴传播、消除新生儿和儿童感染所付出的巨大努力,将会惠及劳动力资源,促进非洲未来的发展;

? 认识到需要发起“为了儿童的倡导活动”,以帮助艾滋病儿童更好地获得艾滋病的诊断,以及适合其年龄的治疗和关怀;

? 重申非洲和中国需要联合起来,加强联系和开发各国的专家资源,共同实现没有艾滋病的未来;

? 承诺积极合作,扩大捐助方群体,动员资源,探讨联合倡导,支持受艾滋病影响的妇女和儿童,在中国和非洲实现没有艾滋病的未来;

? 呼吁政府确保所有人,特别是儿童,可以普遍获得艾滋病预防、治疗、关怀和支持服务,最终实现到2030年终结艾滋病的目标。

                      JOINT STATEMENT

Africa - China HIV Advocacy Event

Theme: Africa- China Partnership: Caring for an AIDS-Free Generation

  We the First Ladies of Africa Members of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA) and the First Lady of China meeting in the margins of the Forum on China - Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) to launch the Africa - China HIV Advocacy Campaign at an event on 05 December 2015 in Johannesburg South Africa

? Noting that children who are the most vulnerable group in society are often left behind in the AIDS response;

? Noting that comprehensive programmes to achieve an AIDS - Free Generation include strategies to prevent HIV transmission to adolescent girls and women; to provide reproductive health care to women living with HIV; to prevent HIV transmission during pregnancy labour and delivery; to minimise HIV transmission through safer infant feeding practices; and provide care support and treatment services to women infants and their families;

? Recognising that Infant diagnosis rates; both early and post breastfeeding remain poor in many African countries thereby creating a bottleneck to scaling up treatment for young children;

? Recognising that globally children living with HIV are one third less likely to receive treatment compared to adults;

? Noting that aggressive efforts to reduce mother-to-child- transmission of HIV and to eliminate HIV infection in infants and young children will in turn strengthen the future workforce of Africa for its development;

? Recognising the need to launch an ‘‘advocacy campaign for children’’ to increase access to diagnosis and age appropriate treatment and care of children living with HIV

? Reaffirm the need for Africa and China to join forces to achieve an AIDS - Free Generation by fostering linkages and developing the expertise from all countries;

? Commit to work actively and in partnership to expand the donor base mobilize resources and explore opportunities for joint advocacy to support women and children affected by HIV to achieve an AIDS - Free Generation in Africa and China; and

? Urge Governments to ensure universal access to HIV prevention treatment care and support services for all their people especially for children which will ultimately contribute to the achievement of the goal to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

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